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Decent Scan

Decent Scan

Decent Scan enables you to track the status of your transactions across chains, analyze transaction data from your applications, and debug transaction configurations.

To link to a specific transaction, please adhere to the following query parameters:<SOURCE_CHAIN_ID>&txHash=<SOURCE_CHAIN_TX>

Decent Scan is meant to provide helpful visibility and tools to manage everything around the core transaction process. It exposes API's that equip developers with the following features:

Get Transactions

API Documentation

Tracking all transactions in an application can be a pain, particularly when those transactions are across chains or token pairs. This endpoint enables you to easily return full transaction paths and user data for all transactions processed by your application.


API Documentation

Decent provides analytics endpoints so that you can quickly access key statistics about your application's transactions. Decent provides daily data for your applications':

  • Transaction volume
  • Unique users
  • Count of bridge transactions
  • Count of swap transactions
  • USD volume
  • USD fee revenue

Token Info & Prices

API Documentation

Decent's pricing API enables you to quickly fetch key token information, the USD price, or exchange rate between two tokens on any chain that Decent supports. This API uses Uniswap as a price oracle. We source quotes from the deepest liquidity pool for a token and extend those quotes across chains to provide accurate token data and price information even on chains with little to no DEX liquidity. Token prices refresh every three minutes.

Contract ABIs

API Documentation

One of the most painful processes in configuring transactions is fetching the target contract's ABI so that you can accurately call its functions. Rather than scraping through block explorers or Github repositories, Decent provides a simple endpoint to return the ABI for any verified smart contract on any chain that Decent supports.