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Point of Sale

Point of Sale Demo

Accept transactions in any token from any chain in your app. Simultaneously increase your volume and addressable market and decrease churn in your app by offering your users a seamless experience. Decent makes cross-chain transactions so simple, they feel like regular, same-chain transactions.

Decent's APIs can be implemented at the point of sale to enable one-click checkout with any token from any chain in a users wallet. Implementing Decent at the point of sale provides you the ability to extend chain and token coverage without having to redeploy any new contracts. Inherit all the benefits of cross-chain scaling with none of the time, cost, and maintenance of deploying smart contracts to every new chain.

How to Implement

It takes just minutes to implement cross-chain transactions at the point of sale.

  1. Create an account in the Decent Developer Console.
  2. Generate an API key.
  3. Use the Playground in the Dev Console to build your starter code.
  4. Use our UI Library to customize to your frontend.

Get started